Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No indictment for Wilson an Indictment for the American justice system

Fierce protests erupt in Ferguson over the grand jury’s decision not to indict the white police officer who shot and killed the unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. It has become apparent that it is a serious crime to be a black male in America. Scenes in Ferguson reflect a war zone with buildings set on fire and cars ablaze.And more cities joined in solidarity with the people of Ferguson.

Reporters allege that the prosecutor colluded with the defense

US strategy in Ukraine

No love lost between Obama and Putin
It’s a year since the Maidan protests began in Ukraine, and a civil war has ensued with the East since then. What began as a civilian protest that overthrew the then president Yanukovic, eventually degenerated into a fierce civil war that has claimed more than 5000 civilian lives and continues unabated despite a truce signed in August.
Can there be a war in this world without a US hand? To many the questions is not worth an answer, the US interests are everywhere. The Maidan protests were fueled by the millions of dollars from White House. The question to ask is whether the Americans are there for all the good reasons, benign hegemony as they would like all of us to believe. What is the underlying motive of the US administration in Ukraine. It would be naive to assume that the Obama administration is in Ukraine to advance good governance, democracy or Ukraine’s sovereignty. Ukraine gives the US an important leverage in its geo-politics

Monday, August 4, 2014

Who will defend Gaza from Israeli offensive

The shelling rages on and most victims are women and children. For nearly four weeks, Israel has been shelling Gaza indiscriminately, destroying everything in its wake. The Israeli policy is to create chaos in Gaza and justify its blockade of Gaza. To Israel HAMAS is not the enemy, the enemy is the Palestinian people. Their mission is to kill as many as possible regardless of whether they are children or women as long as they are Palestinians. From the biblical times the modus operandi of the Israel army has not

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Man of the moment

moment of glory
He has defied all odds and pitted against the best, he has proven his mettle. At the the beginning of the season no one would have given him a chance against two of the world's most expensively assembled squads. The Spanish La-Liga is not an easy league to

Huge 100 ton titanosaur bones unearthed in Argentina

It is believed to be the largest animal to have ever walked the face of the earth

  • Estimated to be as heavy as 14 African elephants
  • Dinosaur was 130 feet long and weighed 170,000 pounds 
  • Standing with its neck up, it was about 20 metres high – equal to a seven-storey building 

Friday, May 2, 2014

US bullies Europe over Ukraine

The alliance between the United States and the European Union is overly one sided in favor of the US. The US virtually dictates the pace of relations with the EU. The Ukrainian crisis has highlighted the extent to which the US controls Europe. The United States has called for stiffer sanctions against Russia irregardless of the dire economic consequences on Europe. While certain countries in the EU like Germany are reluctant for such sanctions because of the negative effects on their economies, it appears the US will bully its way through. Today the world awaits the outcome of the meeting between the US president, Barack Obama and his German counterpart, Chancellor Angel Merkel. However many analysts are skeptical that Merkel will be able to resist US pressure to to tighten the nook on Russia. Or is it merely the Governor Merkel going to report to the boss.

Since the end of the world war certain countries such as Japan, Germany (formerly West Germany) have operated as virtual colonies of the United States whose policies must first be vetted

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mourinho put to his place

Final score; Chelsea 1:3 Atletico Madrid
Arda Turan ccelebrates his goal against Chelsea
After 'parking two buses' against Liverpool at the weekend, Chelsea were unable to repeat the same feat today as Atletico Madrid tore through their defense like a hot knife through margarine. An out of sorts Chelsea was completely outclassed by a well marshaled away team. This was a battle of compact styles and the more fancied Mourinho was undoubtedly outwitted by his less experienced counterpart, Simeone. After this defeat, Chelsea are likely to finish the season without any silverware while Simeone will dream for a double.

Football world goes bananas

Kick out racism is the message
football stars eat bananas in support of Dani Alves
In a rare move to protest against racism in Spanish football, most of Europe's star footballers took to twitter, facebook and others posted pictures on their blogs eating bananas. Dani Alves picked a banana that was thrown at him in apparent monkey mock by a fan at Villareal during the weekend and ate it before taking the corner kick.
Surprising the incident never made it to the front page of any Spanish newspaper. This only serves to remind us that Spain remains crudely a racist society and black players plying their trade in Laliga bear the brunt on a daily basis. The authorities are not doing enough to kick out racism in football. However, news that the fan who threw the banana on the pitch was identified and banned from Villareal matches for life should serve as a solace to all those who were offended by the behaviour.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Putin annexes Crimea, redraws boundaries and goes for Eastern Ukraine

A Russian flag is raised on a Ukrainian armored vehicle

There is pandemonium in the west as Russia takes over Crimea. The Russian president, Putin, has just signed a decree to accept Crimea into the Russian federation despite the United States and Europe announcing punitive sanctions against targeted influential Russians. It would seem the Russian government regards the sanctions as a non-event or Ukraine is such an integral part or their foreign policy that they are willing to face any consequences.

New boundaries have been drawn amid western cries and the Russian juggernaut seems in full force as attention shifts to Eastern Ukraine. Pro-Russian protesters have taken over government buildings in most towns in the eastern region of Ukraine. A special army unit dubbed the anti terror unit sent from Kiev to retake the government buildings occupied by pro-Russian protesters has already lost six armored vehicle to the 'enemy'.