Since the end of the world war certain countries such as Japan, Germany (formerly West Germany) have operated as virtual colonies of the United States whose policies must first be vetted
by Washington. The United Kingdom's international influence has been eroded over the past decades and one cannot expect them to ever go against the US. Recently there have been attempts by Germany to break free. But will Washington let go easily.
by Washington. The United Kingdom's international influence has been eroded over the past decades and one cannot expect them to ever go against the US. Recently there have been attempts by Germany to break free. But will Washington let go easily.
Obama has pressured the EU to impose more sanctions on Russia so that this crisis will not be seen as a battle between Washington and Moscow. The reality is, it is indeed a war between Russia and the US and Ukraine is just but a scapegoat. At least for now its just a war of words, but on the ground the situation is flaring up by thee day. Yatsenyuk, the interim leader of Ukraine is so naive to follow a path the outcome of which he is not sure of. There are fears Ukraine is turning into another Syria and more bloodshed will inevitably follow. Ukraine still have the onus to de-escalate the crisis because it has more to lose than Russia.
Putin, it appears has made well calculated moves and the west is always behind. Obama has been portrayed as a weak leader unable to take decisive action, hence the sanctions are simply a move to dispel the notion of weakness. who will emerge the victor here, Obama or Putin? So far the crisis is going in Putin's way. If you wondered why Putin didn't fight Yanukovych's ouster, the answer is he hoped to take advantage of the situation and make more gains in Eastern Ukraine which he is doing now. So Putin will not try to de-escalate, at least not in the immediate future.
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