Monday, December 24, 2012

'Borrowed corpse scam' leads to arrests

Two people have been arrested in South Africa for "borrowing" a corpse as part of an elaborate life insurance scam, police have said. A police spokesman said a woman in Durban had created a fake
identity and paid towards insurance policies. A funeral parlour owner then had someone else's corpse certified dead under the fictitious name, to help the life insurance claim, police said. The pair have been charged with

Friday, December 21, 2012

Maya 'doomsday' may actually be Sunday, archaeologist says

TULUM, Mexico – Hold on to your
doomsday fever, folks, the Maya
calendar date celebrated Friday as
the “end of the world” might
actually be off by two days – or a
full year.
The end of the 13th baktun cycle
of the so-called Long Count of the
ancient Maya’s intricate,
interlocking calendar system might

India on a mission to Mars in 2013

India is set to launch a mars mission in November 2013. India's Mars mission announcement comes on the heels of the landing of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, which touched down on the Red Planet on Aug. 5. The $2.5 billion Curiosity rover weighs a ton and is the size of a Mini Cooper car. NASA expects the rover to spend at least two years exploring its landing site, Gale Crater, to determine if the region could have ever supported microbial life.

India has been working to expand its space program in stages and successfully launched an unmanned orbiter to the moon in 2008. That spacecraft, called Chandrayaan-1, was instrumental in proving that water ice exists on the lunar surface.

The India Space Research Organisation, the country's space agency, is also developing the follow-up moon mission Chandrayaan-2, which is currently expected to launch in 2013 as well. The new mission is expected to include a lunar orbiter, like the Chandrayaan-1 flight, as well as a robotic lander and rover to explore the moon's surface.

India is also developing its own human spaceflight program and hopes to launch the nation's first manned spaceflight in 2015.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Countdown to Mugabe's death

The wiki leaks leaked 2008 US cables revealed that the Reserve Bank governor Gideon Gono told then-US ambassador James McGee that Mugabe had prostate cancer and had been advised by doctors he had less than five years to live.This according to medical experts means that Mugabe won't live beyond 2013.

Now as 2013 beckons, the question on many people's minds is not whether he is going to die or not, but who will take over the reins of power in Zimbabwe. Mugabe's death will be a watershed moment for the country, currently

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dead man standing

Despite emerging alive at the Harare international airport from Singapore,president Mugabe was a mere shadow of himself.His arrival in Harare has not in any way put to rest the hype on his deteriorating health. Instead the pictures coming from the Harare international airport have increased the speculation of a much awaited death. A couple of days ago there were indications Mugabe would not return alive and the masses had lined up celebrations in the streets of Harare in anticipation

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love is Eternity

You are my oasis of glamor
You relish my soul in the desert

You are my fountain of satisfaction
You quench my mountain of desires

You are my rain of relief
You wash away my troubles

You are my island of beatitude
You make me