Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Countdown to Mugabe's death

The wiki leaks leaked 2008 US cables revealed that the Reserve Bank governor Gideon Gono told then-US ambassador James McGee that Mugabe had prostate cancer and had been advised by doctors he had less than five years to live.This according to medical experts means that Mugabe won't live beyond 2013.

Now as 2013 beckons, the question on many people's minds is not whether he is going to die or not, but who will take over the reins of power in Zimbabwe. Mugabe's death will be a watershed moment for the country, currently mired in political turmoil because of the octogenarian's misrule. Mugabe has ruled the country like his backyard and has reversed all the gains of Independence. Once the jewel of Africa, the country's infrastructure is dilapidated, the health system is in turmoil and even his long trusted army is mutinous. The country is virtually in limbo.

Now is just about time to begin the count down to Mugabe's death. Many Zimbabweans at home and abroad would relish the news of Mugabe's death. But what lies beyond Mugabe if he dies in power? Will the soldiers remain loyal? Will ZANU PF remain intact? Its one thing to celebrate the demise of Mugabe and its one big disaster if he dies in power for he will continue to torture us in death. The inevitable will happen. All hell will break loose. As we ponder the uncertainty following Mugabe's death, its time to get rid of Mugabe whilst he is still alive and avoid a catastrophe.

Serious efforts must be made to ensure a peaceful transition of power before death takes its toll. SADC and the international community have to be roped in if someone can't knock sense into the old man's head. Current news indicate that Mugabe is sleeping in meetings. Any nation that endeavors to move forward cannot have as its leader grandpa who is even too old to play with his grandchildren. Mugabe lost his bearings way back and ever since the country has been on a downward spiral in all spheres. What is worse is ZANU PF's failure to regenerate. Mugabe failed the people of Zimbabwe who in the ecstasy of winning independence emptied not only their trust in him but their freedom too. While Mugabe must be brought to account for the atrocities he committed in his many years of misrule it may be necessary, for the sake of peace and continuity, to grant him immunity to prosecution if he agrees to cede power.


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