Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wikileaks - the ultimate liberation

Wikileaks has brought a new frontier in the midst of our lives. What Julian Assange has brought to the billions of the world's population is a revolution the magnitude of which was unthinkable before. With the disintergration of the Soviet Union in the a 90's the world was plunged at the mercy of the bully of the only super power to emerge out of the cold war - the United States. From then on the United States has controlled our lives in a manner none of us would have dared believe. Thanks to Wikileaks, the cat has been let out of the bag. Wikileaks has liberated us phenominally, bringing to fore surmountable databases of information long hidden from the entire world. Now we have been made aware of the machinations, not only of the United States, but also of our national leaders. Access to information is the ultimate freedom anyone can dream of. Information is empowerment and everyone has the right of entitlement. Anyone who seeks to prosecute Julian Assange is bent on prosecuting the our hard fought democracy and the people as the guardians of this democracy can not just sit by and watch. Assange stand for all of us and anyone who seeks to manipulate his flaws to protect his bourgeoisie interests is an enemy of the people. Of course Assange is human like all of us, and his personal flaws as an individual can not blinker us from the actual revolution in progress.

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