Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jonathan Moyo joins JOMIC committee

Now that Jonathan Moyo has joined the JOMIC committee, the country must brace itself for another round of rights abuse. This barbaric has the record of of taking a leaf out of Ian smith's book. He has a penchant for Smith's tactics that the only thing he chenges from Smith's laws is the name Rhodesia for Zimbabwe. It is such plagiarism that makes this writer wonder why quite a number of Zimbabweans hold this notorious plagiarist as a cognitive fundi. Honestly I dont see the difference between Jonathan Moyo and Constantine Chiwenga. Both men want to succeed by ploughing fear into the minds of the innocent and ignorant. Ofcourse Jonathan is not ignorant but has the pomp to use his illegitimate authority to suppress the people of Zimbabwe even worse than colonial oppression.

Now Zimbabweans must not allow this tyrant wannabe to take the country back another 15 years back as he did a decade ago. As true patriots we must say enough is enough to this man's regressive dictates. We must all stand firm and refuse to be taken aback by some neurotic who wants to reinstigate his propaganda machinery to destroy the small foundation we had once again built. Jopnathan is not intelligent at all. Like Chigwedere he banks on his illegitimate authority to impose his unjustified will on the innocent people. He once remarked that, 'where soldiers are sent you cannot expect a picnic', when responding to journalist's question why the government was deploying the military on the defenseless electorate. He's too arrogant for a publicist. In a democracy he would be ZANU PF's achiles heals.

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