Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Terre Blanche And Apartheid

While Terre Blanche's death should only be seen in light of industrial relations, his dark apartheid past has cast light at the end of the tunnel and has enabled society to debate one of the current problems bedevling the South African society - Malema and his rhetorics.

Objectively looking at Blanche's death it is quite clear the cause was one of poor employer-employee relations and anyone who is trying to link his death to Malema's "Kill the Boer" song is only trying to make political mileage at anunfortunate incident. That Blanche was a blood racist who treated his workers with gross inhumanitis unquestionable. And for the media ant the political leaders to try and score cheap political points by showing concern for a known racist is dishearteningtosay the least. Instead what we should have heard out of this unfortunate incident is a clamour todiscourage peaple fromtaking the law into their own hands. Even if Blanche was black He would probably have met his end this way. Now the attention should be given back to Malema. While we have found no link between Malema and Blanche's death, what was mos apparent was that the man's hate speechees has created so much discontent in the country. And if he doesnt shut up innocent people will end up dead. so to Malema If you have nothing to say just shut up

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