Saturday, January 2, 2016

Saudi rule no different to ISIS

The number of political executions in Saudi Arabia evokes comparisons with Daesh commonly known s ISIS. The Saudi government executes all political opponents especially Shiite opposition figures. And what's worse is that most executions are be headings done in public. 157 beheadings in 2015 fall short of their own staggering recent record of 192 executions in 1995.

If you thought ISIS had the worst human rights record, wait till you make comparisons with this western glorified monarch. This smacks double standards on the part of the US and the EU. Was Gaddafi worse of than Saudi Arabia. If it was Mugabe beheading his political opponents as much as this darling of the west, would we expect the same deafening silence from the US and the EU? What shapes American foreign policy in the middle east? Human rights and democracy or national interest.

The west's deafening silence on the beheading of democracy leader Sheikh Nimr by Saudi kingsmen is frightening to say the least
At a glance you would be forgiven to think it's ISIS